EP #2 | Violent Politics: Lesson of Marxist Philosophy

Our topic is the long history of violent far-left, especially Marxist, activism. Is it a coincidental that so much brutality emerged from Marx-inspired activists? Or is it accidental by-product of well-intentioned theory? Or is it a necessary and intended consequence of its principles? Leon Trotsky on Joseph Stalin in 1940: “Under all conditions well-organized violence seems to him the shortest distance between two points.” Not just what the Marxist theoreticians and politicians said, what they did. A large number of intellectuals in the West, are aware of the atrocities but accept on them. Why?

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EP#3 | Conservatives Are Not Free-Market Capitalists

Political labeling is often sloppy and political movements are often big tent, but it’s important to keep up the effort to be precise so we know what each other is talking about. Precision is also important because sometimes those who accept some free-market policies do so for political expediency reasons, and that superficial acceptance can mask more fundamental suspicions or rejections of free markets.

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EP #1 – Free Speech; Why The Philosophy Matters

Humans are smart beings — or potentially smart. Not instinctual or passive creatures. Active engagement and deep thinking. Life goals and strategy. Lots of information. Lots of experiment. And do it yourself.
Extend that socially to meaningful relationships. Shared values. Degrees of intimacy from business acquaintances to friends to lovers and life partners. In common, all depend on exchange of info, genuine communication. Context of trust, respect, and freedom. When disagreements arise, at least initial benefit of the doubt, willingness to hear out the other side, nuanced judgment that takes all the available information into account.
Major part of what education should instill.

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