EP #109 | Politicized Science

Science has been co-opted by a variety of political leaders and activist groups. Each one claims to be “following the science” or they defend their positions by saying there has been a scientific consensus on a given issue. This is nonsense. Science is a dynamic process and the science is never settled. Those who advocate this are doing it for political reasons.

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EP #106 | An EID to Remember

The Muslim Association of Canada had several events on Eid to mark the end of Ramadan for thE year 2020. One of those events was a series of greetings from a variety of political dignitaries from across Canada. Why would Canadian political leaders want to be seen with an organization which has been alleged in their own political system to be a Muslim Brotherhood front group? Who were the politicians that sent their official Eid greetings to Muslims in Canada through the Muslim Association of Canada?

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EP #38 | God: The “Design” Argument

Do the gods exist? As mature and more sophisticated reasoned arguments for and against the idea of god have evolved, we can evaluate eighteen possible arguments, about seven are interesting. Argumentation about the natural world: time, causation, morality, beauty, logic, mathematical precision, and so on. Can they be explained in self-sufficient natural way or only by going beyond the natural?

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EP #108 | Identity Politics: Black Lives Matter & The Path to Failure

The Black Lives Matter movement will not improve the lives of Blacks in America or elsewhere. The movement is based on identity politics and will therefore ultimately lead to more violence and conflict.

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EP #107 | Social Media & Corrupt Governments

The combination of the internet’s memory and the far reach of social media is new. Put into the hands of groups of citizens it may turn out to be incredibly powerful. This will be especially true when rooting out corruption, malfeasance, and racketeering in governments. So can it be done? I am not sure, but I think we’re going to find out in the very near future.

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EP #37 | Thomas Kuhn’s De-Structuring Science

Thomas Kuhn was professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a classic in the history and philosophy of science. Still relevant to our philosophical and cultural debates over science, for Kuhn challenges claims that science is or can be an objective process based upon observational facts that makes progress toward truth.

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EP #105 | Understanding the Economic Future

How will the current economic crisis unfold? There is an economic crisis, which will be followed by a financial crisis, which in turn will produce a sovereign debt crisis. Ultimately, this may finally result in an austerity crisis. That is the point where we might see more social unrest, depending on where you live.

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EP #36 | Democratic Socialism for Beginners

In contemporary times, most socialists have shifted away from overtly dictatorial socialism. Among the younger, there is some level of awareness of its terrible history but they still think of it as an ideal to be striven for despite obvious concerns. What are the aims of democratic socialist, what do they wish to achieve and how will they achieve their goals? Should socialism be Monarchical, Aristocratic, or Democratic? Who should have power over you: one person? An elite group? The majority?

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EP #104 | Ahmed Hussen: One small Piece of a large Racketeering Puzzle

Ahmed Hussen exhibits some peculiar behaviour. His statements seem to be in conflict with his own government. This is the kind of stuff you read about in the book 1984. The minister tells you a program exists, so therefore it exists. The minister tells you the next day the program never existed, so therefore the government expects you to believe that the program never existed. Minister Ahmed Hussen’s actions have put the pensions and government benefits of all Canadians at risk. Is there more going on behind the scenes?

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EP #103 | Just the tip of the Iceberg

Canada has over one million illegals and tens of thousands of people with fake Social Insurance Numbers. People with fake SIN numbers have already received Canada Emergency Response Benefit which has been made available due to the pandemic. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what might be the largest fraudulent series of activities in Canada. Why is it that the Government of Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are aware of this massive fraud but have chosen to do nothing about this extensive criminal activity? We begin to address this issue today.

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