EP #126 | Will Bitcoin Survive The Great Reset

Will Bitcoin survive if the folks who want a “Great Reset” get their way? Governments know that the control of money is the greatest form of soft power. How will this effect Bitcoin and emerging cryptocurrencies and digital assets If the Great Resetters are successful in rebuilding our societies in their own image and likeness. Will they tolerate financial instruments they cannot control?

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Special Report | Trump Declassification Politicized Intelligence

Outgoing US President Trump will declassify large amounts of intelligence. While many intelligence observers fulminate about sources, methods and “national security,” the real issue here is the possible politicization of intelligence. If the documents declassified reveal that certain members of the intelligence community and the Department of Justice were tailoring their information or creating fake information to serve a political agenda, this will be devastating to the intelligence community.

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EP #124 | National Security Threat: Canada

If Prime Minister Trudeau remains in power, Canada may find itself increasingly isolated from its largest neighbour and trading partner, as well as other Western countries. With Canada undertaking training mission to teach winter warfare to the Chinese Army, Canada should expect that suspicions about the suitability of Canada as an ally will increase.

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EP #123 | When Governments Confiscate your Savings

Governments need more money to cover pandemic costs as well as to cover years of financial mismanagement on their parts. One pool of capital that is still available is your saving money. Now, governments have their eyes set on your savings. You should be worried.

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EP #122 | Hypocrisy Destroys Democracy

With the pandemic, we can better see the hypocrisy of most politicians.. Are they so removed from reality that they cannot see how their refusal to follow their own rules is a major cause of social unrest and discontent? The answer is they cannot. Social order is deteriorating and the rot is working its way from the head down.

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EP #120 | The Great Reset?

The mainstream media has gone to great lengths to say that the GREAT RESET is a conspiracy theory. But official sources right up to national leaders, the UN and Central Banks say it is real. Does the GREAT RESET exist? What is it all about? In this episode, we address these issues.

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EP #120 | 2020 Election Fraud

The main stream media is reporting that there is no evidence for election fraud. Yet evidence signed by citizens under pain of perjury charges, says otherwise. A news conference on this issue on 19 November 2020 may turn out to be the shot heard round the world. Systemic election fraud using absentee ballots by the Democratic Party has been proved in court in the past in the state of Pennsylvania. Could it have occurred again?

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EP #119 | Justin Trudeau is Dangerous

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a decade long history of supporting the Islamist cause. When questioned about the beheadings of people in France by Islamist terrorists, Trudeau did not support the President of France on freedom of expression, but instead supported the position of the Islamists who cut off heads. How is this possible?

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EP #118 | Hunter Biden & The China Connection

The current disclosure of information in the United States surrounding Hunter Biden, his father Vice President Joe Biden and their dealings with China should soon be raising questions in Canada. From an intelligence point of view, it is reasonable to raise questions about the high degree of Prime Minister Trudeau’s support for communist China and the money going into the Trudeau Foundation from China.

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EP #117 | Fear is going to Change Sides

The beheading of a teacher by an Islamist terrorist may change the course of counter extremism and counter terrorism policy in France. The French Government now says it will fight political Islam with the same determination as they fight terrorism. The French Interior Minister also states that “political Islam combines with radical Islam and so eventually leads to terrorism.” Finally, the Interior Minister said he would push for a ban on any Islamic organizations that support the establishment of “Sharia Law” in France.

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