EP #54 | Socialism: Scientific or Religious?

While communist/socialist/social democratic have always had a scientific-pseudoscientific verneer about it, time has worn away much of this verneer, exposing much of the ideology as hyper-idealistic/proto-religiousist in many regards. Despite this verneer being largely washed away, many if not the vast majority of communists/socialists refuse or cannot see their views as anything except entirely rational. In this podcast, Professor Stephen Hicks delves deep into this phenomenon.

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EP#10 | Victim or Complainant?

Criminal Defence Lawyer Joseph Neuberger and YouTube personality, legal researcher and host of the UnTrue Crime podcast Diana Davison, sit down and discuss the aftermath of their trials and the emerging and alarming changes to our legal system. A behind the scenes inside look into real court room drama. In this episode Diana, Chris and Joseph discuss two Canadians China, the subjective nature of complainants and how the legal system introduces bias by referring to complainants as victims prior to a judgement by the court.

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EP #140 | Covid-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab

The Great Reset is another example of powerful elites creating a long term process to ensure their continued dominance. The efforts they are unleashing will, in my opinion, turn into considerable violence as a series of political actors take advantage of the situation to advance their own causes. Freedom vs safety and centralized control. Which is more important for you?

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EP#9 | Motives Behind False Accusations

Criminal Defence Lawyer Joseph Neuberger and YouTube personality, legal researcher and host of the UnTrue Crime podcast Diana Davison, sit down and discuss the aftermath of their trials and the emerging and alarming changes to our legal system. A behind the scenes inside look into real court room drama. In this episode Diana, Chris and Joseph discuss some motives behind false accusations.

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EP#7 | The Anatomy of a False Accusation

Criminal Defence Lawyer Joseph Neuberger and YouTube personality, legal researcher and host of the UnTrue Crime podcast Diana Davison, sit down and discuss the aftermath of their trials and the emerging and alarming changes to our legal system. A behind the scenes inside look into real court room drama. Do you know someone falsely accused of a crime or sexual assault? How do these cases happen and how are they able to process to trial despite a lack of evidence?

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EP #131 | Social Media: Global Corporate Espionage?

Is Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, allowed access to your medical records or bank account? Is Jack Dorsey, the head of Twitter, able to circumvent the American Constitution? The answer is yes. We now have government saying you can only believe official information or you can only believe what is the consensus science. Anything else is hate speech that must be suppressed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and companies such as Amazon seem fully on board with enforcing these sorts of policies. This is a form of totalitarianism – by definition – fascism in development.

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EP #130 | Depolicing Pt 3: Compliance Enforcement. How Politicians Weaponize Police Forces Against You

Over the last several years, politicians have increasingly forced police forces to depend less on the “maintaining the peace” model and increasingly move them towards a law enforcement model that favours arbitrary compliance with unconstitutional rules, regulations, ordinances and instructions. How police forces are managed has been changing for years, especially as political correctness and wokeness have become the driving forces. Now, under the new pressures of the pandemic, we are seeing the changes.

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EP #129 | Are We All In This Together?

A group of Canadian politicians from three parties banded together to punish a member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament for daring to suggest the salary of politicians be cut during the pandemic. One thing is clear. Whatever politicians want to tell you about the pandemic – We are NOT in this together.

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EP #128 | Techno-Fascism

Large tech companies and governments are corrupting the discussion around freedom of speech. Rather than encouraging freedom of speech for positive outcomes, these folks are now pushing the opposite. According to them, you must simply accept what you are told and you are not allowed to dispute it. This can be called techno-fascism.

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EP #127 | Disinformation Assassination: Why They Got Khashoggi

This podcast will look at an international spy story that involves murder, assassination, arms smuggling and terrorism. It will also look at how the intelligence community and journalism willfully blur the stories around assassination and murder to mislead the public. If you think that you are being lied to by the media about intelligence matters, the answer is yes. What can the murder of Jamal Khashoggi tells us about the media and intelligence?

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