
EP #131 | Social Media: Global Corporate Espionage?

Is Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, allowed access to your medical records or bank account? Is Jack Dorsey, the head of Twitter, able to circumvent the American Constitution? The answer is yes. We now have government saying you can only believe official information or you can only believe what is the consensus science. Anything else is hate speech that must be suppressed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and companies such as Amazon seem fully on board with enforcing these sorts of policies. This is a form of totalitarianism – by definition – fascism in development.

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EP #128 | Techno-Fascism

Large tech companies and governments are corrupting the discussion around freedom of speech. Rather than encouraging freedom of speech for positive outcomes, these folks are now pushing the opposite. According to them, you must simply accept what you are told and you are not allowed to dispute it. This can be called techno-fascism.

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