
#26 Manifest Destiny Wasn’t

Episode 01 – Ryan Bellerose

Ryan Bellerose is a Métis from Northern Alberta. His father, Mervin Bellerose, co-authored the Métis Settlements Act of 1989, which was passed by the Alberta legislature in 1990 and cemented his land rights. Ryan founded Canadians For Accountability, a Native rights advocacy group, and was an Idle No More (INM) movement organizer.

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Episode 03 | The Setup

In this episode Diana examines the evidence, text messages and circumstances that seem to point to a premeditated and coordinated setup.

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Episode 02 | The Silencing of Mike Bullard

In Episode 1 we highlighted Mike Bullard’s attempts to stop a rumour that he was stalking his ex-girlfriend, Toronto CityTV reporter Cynthia Mulligan.This whole sordid sequence of events started when Mulligan had humiliated Bullard at an award show shortly after their relationship ended in 2016UnTrue Crime Some of the most fascinating crimes never happened.

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#25 Thales’ Revolution

The standard claim is that philosophy begins with Thales. Why did philosophy come into being in a clusters of cities on the coasts of Asia minor? Ascribed to Thales by Aristotle: “The first principle and basic nature of all things is water, ”and “All things are full of gods.” Why do historians of philosophy get worked up over these lines?
To see their significance, let’s set a context by going back to the worldview of the awesomely great Homer. So brush up on The Iliad, which I want to use as our pre-philosophy-worldview contrast object.

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Episode 01 | The Nightmare Begins

While people outside of Canada may not know Mike Bullard’s name, he is a comedian who pioneered the Canadian late night talk show industry starting with CTV’s Open Mike with Mike Bullard. In 2016, Mike was hosting a popular radio show called Beyond the Mic with Mike Bullard when his career skidded to a halt after an ex-girlfriend accused him of stalking her.

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#24 Does Power Corrupt?

Lord Acton said, “absolute power corrupts absolutely” but is this accurate? Abuses of social and political power are the ones we worry about the most. Social science data does seem too, on the surface, bare out Lord Acton’s claims. However, if you correlate the degrees of corruption with degrees of centralization the data suggests things are not quite so simple.

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EP #23 – Is Postmodernism Neo-Marxist? Yes, No & Sort Of.

Professor Jordan B. Peterson is perhaps most famous for the neo-Marxist label “Postmodern Neo-Marxism.” Although Dr. Peterson recommends Explaining Postmodernism by Dr. Hicks, their analysis on this issue differs in some important ways.

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EP #22 | Did Coffee Give Us The Enlightenment

As a contributing factor, coffee (and tea) certainly gets credit on physiological grounds. Also contributing was the development of European coffee house culture, the coffee houses bringing businessmen, artists, and scientists together for drinking and socializing.

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EP #21 | Censor The Hitlers

Extreme cases always test our commitment to a free society. A free society depends on our general confidence in the power of reason, that people have intelligence and good judgment enough to handle the cognitive demands of living freely.

Yet now our current concerns with social unrest, triggers, and inflammatory language and images has led some social-media giants curating speech. Some history teachers have found their online course lessons on German history blocked because they contain archival footage of Hitler giving a speech or a Nazi parade. Thus the censorship debate has now become main stream.

We must decide as a society, should dangerous ideas always be allowed so that they can be confronted openly? Is sunlight the best disinfectant?

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